Dawson St

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Spring in the NW

Psyche! Actually, this weekend was pretty spring like. But only one day was playtime, and just part of it at that. So lets back up to Friday. I picked up one of these, because I found out how easy this makes the job. Then I took some black walnut that I picked up from my buddy Brian over to my buddy Doug's shop to get planed and jointed. Did I mention I really wish I had the space for a shop? After which I did some kayaking here, and then used this, from this guy through which I've acquired most of my tools. And the result is this ledge. There's more walnut pieces to come, but I really like the character of this piece. I'll be finishing this with urethane over the next week. So how many links did I throw into this post? Too many.

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Thursday, February 07, 2008

Lighting up......

...the stairwell.

A couple weeks ago we get a card in the mail from many old house dwellers' favorite lighting store, Rejuvenation. Well they were having a sale, and a big one at that. So we made plans, actual plans, to go down there the first day of the sale. It turns out we got there shortly after the store opened, along with a lot of other folks, and the hunting for our light began. We knew what shade we wanted it was just a matter of the method to hang it from the sloped ceiling. Rod or chain? We wanted rod, but chain trumps rod in this case. Thanks to one of their employees we got something unique for our place (that computer mockup program is waaaayyy cool).
I have to say it's great to work with a company that is so customer oriented. So with the light up and the final coat of paint on, we are done with the major work downstairs and now it's on to the finish work. This could take bit.

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